Venture Capital

Bizdom chief calls Detroit "entrepreneurial field of dreams"

Detroit firms score top-shelf prizes at Accelerate Michigan

Web start-up Doodle looks to reinvent interior design

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What's working in cities: Placemaking

Xconomy makes the Detroit-Silicon Valley comparison

App start-up iRule moves downtown after Compuware investment

Bizdom U shakes up fall class with new business model

Detroit Labs grows to 15 as it preps for Madison move

Clean Energy Prize looks to jumpstart more clean-tech start-ups

Fusion Coolant Systems opens up tech center at Focus: HOPE

Own Point of Sale moves marketing/sales workforce downtown

Bing means business on banking in Detroit

ArtJen Complexus USA brings Canadian innovation to Detroit

Neighborhood Mother to raise $3000 for NoCo renovation

MyInsuranceExpert moves downtown, brings 100 workers