Tweet of the Week: Wishing and hoping... and voting for a new Detroit

This week tweeters seemed to be reacting to various events with a bit of optimism. For example, the primary election held last week brought out more positive thoughts than may have been expressed beforehand.

@Lesnikki hoped for the best as they tweeted: Please Detroit, let's do better this time.

To that end, @DeltaGirl6ZP01 seemed to have done her part: I voted for the Future of Detroit MY CITY.
And to the potential naysayers and critics of the results of the election, @Vita43 offered this ultimatum: Ok don't complain about the politics in the city of Detroit if U DIDN'T GO VOTE FOR A NEW MAYOR OR CITY COUNCIL!!!

All these well wishes seem to have gotten the job done; though turnout may have been low, this election brought about the change in city government wanted by many.  Suffice to say, @rumblestrip, @DougZuba and @Rpsawyer from this week’s edition must be very pleased. 

As the city seems to be on it’s way to recovering, many tweeters espoused well-wishes and hopes that it would. 

According to @JeffYaniga, the city deserves it, as he muses something we’ve already known: Detroit is an interesting city these days. Met many hard working, family loving people who care about their city and care about their jobs.

Thanks, Jeff -- here’s to hoping the rest of the world recognizes that soon.

tried to help by sending the city some positive energy: Been thinking a lot about Detroit today. Sending out good wishes to a struggling town.

This week’s TOTW comes courtesy @StevenKhoshaba, who said that Detroit is not only receptive to the love, but needs to react to and rejoice in it: Detroit's heart beat longs for love. Let's take it to the city, let's take it to the streets.

With that thought in mind, how can you not have a good week?

Until next time, check out Model D’s updates on Twitter; keep readin' and tweetin'.

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