Tweet of the Week: MonCon, MJ and a heat wave

There was a lot of stuff going on last week, and so it followed that there would be a lot of tweeting.

Monica Conyers' admission of guilt in the Synagro Sludge scandal caused a lot of chirping. The best of which comes courtesy of @rumblestrip:

Well MonCon we did pray for you, and our prayers were answered!! Enjoy that orange jump suit!!

Instead of shame, Conyers' guilty plea seemed to make a lot of tweeters optimistic.

@DougZuba: Yes Sir....last piece of trash to go...hopefully Detroit will be clean again...back to business not nonsense!!!

@Rpsawyer shared a similar sentiment: The detroit corruption MUST come to an end once and for all...I believe it can!

TinaMarie1155 summed up all these feelings in the week's best tweet about Detroit:

What can I say about Detroit, I do have hope.

So simple, so to the point, yet so true; if it's one thing Detroiters have in common, it's hope that the city will one day reclaim its greatness.

However, the week did take a more somber turn with the passing of music icon Michael Jackson. Many Detroiters offered their farewells to the "Gloved One", who got his start in the city.

@Ramiere took the opportunity to reaffirm Jackson's royalty: The King of Pop is dead. Long live the king.

@ DonnieCash found that the weather paralleled the emotion felt throughout the city:
it is raining in Detroit right now...Tears Falling For Michael Jackson...R.I.P.

Though the heat may have been oppressive, it proved beneficial to green thumbs, like @ Rhertz: My vegetable garden is loving all this heat!

But our winner? The heat caused @MissIve to start some job creation: I think I need a production assistant. Detroit film students who know how to get me a cold lemonade, STAT, please apply.

Anything that'll get those kids working is worth supporting, in our book. But are they paid by the hour or paid to scale?

Until next time, check out Model D's updates on Twitter; keep readin' and tweetin'.
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