Hammer and Cycle takes page from The Hub in Hamtramck

Three Hamtramck residents are working to open a new bicycle shop in the city that will utilize the same community-minded model as Midtown's the Hub.

"The business model will be similar but it will be for the Hamtramck, Highland Park and northern Detroit communities," says Scott Wozniak, co-founder of Hammer and Cycle. "If your bike is busted you're not going to walk it down to Midtown from the north side."

Wozniak and two of his friends (Erik Mitchell and Jeffery Van Andel), began working on the bike shop idea last spring. They noticed the heavy usage of bicycles by both young and old people in their section of the Motor City and saw an opportunity to fill a need.

"A lot of people in Hamtramck are riding bikes," Wozniak says.

They liked how The Hub, on Cass Avenue just north of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, had a community-oriented model focused on alternative transportation and want to mimic it. The group has a storefront on Jos Campau Street picked out and expect to open this spring.

Source: Scott Wozniak, co-founder of Hammer and Cycle
Writer: Jon Zemke

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