Detroit Information Network aims to become Motown good news hub

The Detroit Regional News Hub and ARISE Detroit! have partnered to create a good news wiki page about all things Motor City, Detroit Information Network.

The new site is being billed as "Detroit’s only transformation news hub" because it aggregates and archives positive news stories about Detroit and its evolution into the 21st Century. The stories will come from a variety of sources, ranging from national news brands to local blogs, including original content produced for the Detroit Information Network.

"There is an abundance of this but it's hard to find," says Marge Sorge, executive director of the Detroit Regional News Hub. "It's on page two or buried somewhere else. We wanted to put everything in one spot so everybody can find it."

The idea is based on the idea that there is strength in numbers. The concentration of solutions and accomplishments in Detroit can help convey the momentum the Motor City is enjoying to a larger audience than the people who experience everyday.

"We want to show there is a movement here," Sorge says.

The Detroit Regional News Hub launched four years ago and has grown to three employees and a couple of independent contractors and part-time employees, along with the occasional intern. It recently promoted one of its interns to become a part of its social media team.

Source: Marge Sorge, executive director of the Detroit Regional News Hub
Writer: Jon Zemke

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