Bizdom preps to launch latest class with newly tweaked brand

Bizdom U is simplifying itself, dropping the U in its name to become just Bizdom as it prepares to welcome its newest class of aspiring tech entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneurial-education-oriented nonprofit has also moved into a new office in the M@dison Building in downtown Detroit. Bizdom was founded by Quicken Loans chairman Dan Gilbert and now has branches in both downtown Detroit and Cleveland. Its focus is on creating tech-based start-ups, which prompted the moves to TechTown and the M@dison Building, Gilbert's new tech entrepreneurial hub overlooking Grand Circus Park.

"The real opportunity is joining this family of companies and getting all this support," says Maria LaLonde, recruiting and development leader for Bizdom. "That's the largest value."

Bizdom has open spots in its newest class of entrepreneurs until later this spring. LaLonde expects it will take on teams for about half a dozen start-ups for the three-month classes. Bizdom will also be holding more one-off events to attract more perspective tech entrepreneurs, such as idea pitch contests at the M@dison Building.

Another option being offered at Bizdom's a series of events and workshops for existing start-ups. Bizdom has traditionally grown its entrepreneurs and start-ups from scratch.

The application for the latest class of entrepreneurs is May 23. The class will start shortly after that. For information, click here.

Source: Maria LaLonde, recruiting & development leader for Bizdom
Writer: Jon Zemke

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