After5 Detroit looks to expand staff with new work

After5 Detroit is launching a new version of the websites for all of the downtown Detroit-based company’s offshoots, such as Connect After5 and After5 Intern Program.

“We were looking at four separate websites,” says Kerry Doman, founder & CEO of After5 Detroit. “Now we’re putting together a new foundation that is much more user-friendly.”

The 7-year-old company has made a name for itself has a gateway for helping introduce young people who live or work in the greater downtown Detroit area to playing there more often with events "after 5." It serves everyone from full-time employees to summer interns that toil downtown.

Its After5 Intern Program has been one of its biggest success in recent history. This year it helped facilitate activities for more than 2,000 summer interns working at 22 companies in downtown Detroit. The interns were for both large corporations and small startups.

After5 Detroit
is now working with the Detroit Economic Growth Corp and the Downtown Detroit Partnership to launch a new program later this year that will help bridge the corporate and small-business communities downtown. That is expected to be launched in a few weeks along with a new hire to After5 Detroit’s team of five people to work with that program.

"That will be a big addition to our team," Doman says.

Source: Kerry Doman, founder & CEO of After5 Detroit
Writer: Jon Zemke

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