New York's Vice Magazine sits in with Detroit band Genders

New York's Vice Magazine sits down with Jeffrey Thomas from Detroit's Genders to talk about what's going on with the group and the city.


Wow. So I'm guessing you haven't had time for much else, not that there's much to do in Detroit anymore, right?
No, I've been studying permaculture and appropriate technology and plan on implementing some serious farming and building projects in new Detroit. Detroit is wide open for all kinds of things, a big open playing ground for anyone who has some willpower and creative ideas. We do a website company called trees and started a new project to be better then MySpace and Facebook, starting with this message board. The name will change, but it's something better for artists/musicians and just people in general, that isn't corporately polluted, isn't used to spy on us, technically has rights to our songs, loads big flashy advertisements first, etc. bullshit etc.

Read the entire article here.
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