Tweet of the Week: Cyborgs and techno

Fedde le Grand's techno favorite "Put Your Hands Up 4 Detroit" seemed to summarize the mindset of tweeters this week, as many seemed to be putting their hands up (literally or figuratively) for Detroit in some way.

It seemed to start with Panic at the Disco's member Brendon Urie, @brendonuriesays, who tweeted lyrics from the song: "put your hands up for Detroit... I love this city."

And by the time @DJSnakes showed up to say: I'm deep in Detroit techno right now, it was very likely that he was also putting his hands up for Detroit at that time.

Not to be outdone, @Citizen_Pags was willing to risk a limb for the city: If my knee is injured badly enough I hope the Drs. insist on me being turned into a crime-fighting cyborg to clean up Detroit

Not very likely, but a wonderful thought just the same. Sounds like it'd be a great movie idea... oh, wait... well, at least maybe another sequel.

We'll keep you updated on the policing cyborgs... but, until then, be sure to follow Model D for all our updates and news about the city.

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