Tweet of the Week: Where exactly is South Detroit?

With news of GM's new electric car delivering gas mileage in the triple-digits, and lots of Detroiters heading to the suburbs for the Dream Cruise, it was a pretty auto-centric week here in Detroit.

@TheVT told us an interesting tidbit on Monday: Today is Self-Starting Day. In 1915, Charles Kettering of Detroit, Michigan, invented the electric self-starter for automobiles.

Though lots of local twitterers were eager to talk about classic cars, @IbrahimTransAlt wanted to remind us: In the 1890s, 80% of residents rode bicycles on a regular basis in Detroit, the future "Motor City" of the world.

It's pretty difficult to imagine that many bicycles cycling around town anymore.

In addition to cars, bikes and other things that go, tweeters were ranting about another slightly travel-related topic, sorta. Journey. As in the band.

It seemed like tweeters the world over were wondering whether a place known as "South Detroit" actually exists. Some were pretty matter-of-fact; others were open to different interpretations. In honor of all of their valiant efforts to discover the truth, this week's Tweet of the Week is a six-way tie:

@CamilaCastillo2: #fact Journey was wrong, there is no south detroit.

@gail_gosh: isn't there a "south" of anywhere? maybe it just means the southern portion of Detroit, not South Detroit.

@AlanahJordan: There is no south detroit. SOUTH OF DETROIT IS THE DETROIT RIVER.

@DJMikeCruz: right on man...South Detroit is Windsor, Ontario...

@tecksbuk: maybe there's a deeper meaning to the lyric "Born and raised in South Detroit" She's in a lonely world, he's in an imaginary one?

@brendonuriesays: in my mind, there will always be a south detroit. and the strangers are dancing, not waiting.

Who do you think is right? Let us know on Twitter. And be sure to follow our updates.

Until next week, keep readin' and tweetin'.
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