Tweet of the Week: Detroit’s B-Day love

Let’s start off this edition of Tweet of the Week by taking the time to recognize that July 24 was Detroit’s birthday, as it was founded in 1701.

Many of us may have forgotten, but luckily, @this_girl_c was there to remind us: HAPPY 308th BIRTHDAY DETROIT ....ilovemycity :)

And according to @nhlcyclesophist, the city has old and modern qualities: Ah, Detroit. All the late-19th century charm....but with more grafitti and airplanes!

this_girl_c wasn’t the only one to declare their love for the city, as @JustJackie313 offered this confession in this week’s best tweet: im in love with Detroit

What’s so great about this statement is how simple and to the point it is; she doesn’t just love Detroit, she’s in love with Detroit. It’s committed and dedicated people like her that the city needs.

However, if you ask @Radix89, he’d probably say Detroit needs something a little more…exotic: anyone in detroit know any shamans? I'm done with traditional doctors. Hacks can't write a legible sentence.

Not sure if a shaman would really work. Doctors, by law, aren't really allowed to be hacks... but it's still funny.

Others in Detroit are enjoying what the city has to offer. @jengoldberg took some time to take in the sights at the DIA: Walking my feet off at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

@robbieizar preferred to spend his time outside: just spent a day detroit...with goats, rabbits, chickens and ducks.

Wow, that sounds exciting; just hope the weather didn’t affect the whole experience (or the smell) too much…

Until next time, check out Model D’s updates on Twitter; keep readin' and tweetin'.

Tweet of the Week compiled by Model D intern Ilissa Gilmore.

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