Tweet of the Week: Huge rainbows and 'Hung'

Welcome to this weeks edition of Tweet of the Week. What have you been tweeting about this week?

A lot!

Tons of Metro-area twittizens were talking about the new HBO series set in Detroit. We haven't seen it yet, but we want to now that we've heard what @jamieezramark has to say about it...

@jamieezramark: HBO's new series, HUNG: Not only set in Detroit, but they show Lafayette Coney Island in the opening. "Chilli-cheese dogs, zip zip!!!"

Lots of Detroiters have also been keeping twitter-tabs on the unseasonal weather we've been having and trying to stay in the spirit of summer despite some cooler rainy days.

: Watching The Beggars play in the rain behind The Old Miami - welcome to summer in Detroit!

Even if you don't like a rainy day or two, hopefully you've caught one of the amazing rainbows shining over the city this past week.

: looking at a HUGE detroit rainbow in the sideview mirror

Pretty amazing, aren't they?
Almost as amazing as the chain of logic contained within this tweet from @MichaelRHerman:

@MichaelRHerman: Saw a homemade Detroit Sucks t-shirt. Which means someone feels strong enough to make one Detroit Sucks t-shirt. Post-Bush USA is weird.

We're just going to let you all ponder that one for a bit.

@StilletoSundae: is watching a documentary on youtube about the '60s...I can't imagine what a "love-in" would be like in Detroit.

Hmmmm... what would that look like?

Keep reading and keep tweeting. See you next week!
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