Tweet of the Week: Red pop, hot dogs, the RiverWalk and a little conversation

Who's the big winner this week? There's been a lot of Detroit tweets in the last seven days. Actually, there are a lot of Detroit tweets every day. Most of the tweets had to do with how the Red Wings suck or how the Red Wings were gonna destroy the Penguins. Sports tend to be a hot topic here in the Motor City -- not really a surprise though.

A lot of talk about GM and the auto industry, as well.

Of course none of that jazz made it to the final list. No offense Mike Illitch, Sidney Crosby, and those at GM. It just wasn't doing it for me this week.

So, without further ado:

Here's a trio from our friends at Inside Detroit. They were in attendance at the Detroit Regional Chamber Mackinac Conference last week and tweeted these few gems.

@InsideDetroit: Did you know that Detroit has the 2nd largest theater district in the country! #mpc09

No, I didn't know.

@InsideDetroit: #mpc09: Detroit Zoo as a great model of regional collaboration. We do have big wins.

It shouldn't be us against them, urban vs. suburban. The city needs the 'burbs and vice versa. Sometimes both sides forget that.

Last but not least from Inside Detroit:

@InsideDetroit: #mpc09 If we show people what Detroit has to offer people and that there are tons of us that love it here..others will love it too!

It's true.

A tweet not from the conference:

@Michellellehcim: I'm mad that the Detroit Festival of the Arts is not happening this year... the year I'm actually living down here for the summer. figures!

I think we're all a little upset about that one.

And the winner is...

Sycloneman: 2 hot dogs and a redpop - $5, conversation with homeless person - $1, lunch along the Detroit River, priceless!

Not only is this tweet true (lunch on the Riverfront is pretty amazing) and funny, but five bucks for two hot dogs and red pop (we're assuming that it's Faygo)? Well, it's also frugal.

Keep reading. Keep tweeting.

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