Tweet of the Week

We continue our quest for Detroit tweets that are insightful, informative, or just plain funny ... So, it'd be great to list them all, but we can't. With that said, here are a few we found in the past week:

@surmeet: Gonna have the best night ever this friday. Graduating on saturday. Europe monday. Jus got an aparment in detroit. Life is kraaazeeeee.

Welcome to the neighborhood, @surmeet. And thanks for choosing Detroit.

: Willie nelson, hundreds of new friends, every cowboy hat in #detroit crammed into hart plaza.

So Detroit's Hoedown was this past weekend. In case you missed it Kevin Costner's band was there (if you book it, he will come).

@youngdetroiter: @modeld The translation of the Spanish tweet: There's something about (the song) "Put Your Hands Up for Detroit" that makes me like it.

We'd like to thank @youngdetroiter for translating last week's Spanish tweet mystery. We couldn't have done it without you.

But, the winning tweet, the one that takes that cake is this:

@jamilaishere: Monica Conyers is up in the Detroit Fish Market lookin a hot ass mess! Shouldn't she be tryin to get her stuff out the office? For real?!!!

@jamilaishere's tweet is a reminder to do your best to not look like a hot mess when going into the Detroit Fish Market.

Keep reading. Keep tweeting.

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