Tweet of the Week: Crispy hair cuts and cute barbers

Of course a week doesn't go by that at least one tweeter mentions the weather in Detroit.

@Sweet_mercy4u: Weather in Detroit is wonderful! Highs get right at 70 - lows in lower 50's -- I'm having a blast seeing my sis and family. :)

Yeah, it might be a little generic but the weather over the weekend was top notch. It was a beautiful Detroit weekend and perfect for the 2,000 bikes that hit up the Tour De Troit.

And of course a week doesn't go by that at least one tweeter mentions Detroit's $100 house.

: $100 Detroit Home Provides Opportunity to Artists

It does provide opportunity to artists, and will fill up your weekend on the repairs you'll need to make.

However, it's not very often you see something like this:

: the cut isn't crispy but its cut. gotta find a cute barber in london like i have in detroit.

The fact that @Jnabongo referred to the hair cut as "crispy," well, we can't pass posting that. Good luck locating a cuter barber than the one you have here.

And finally this last tweet isn't so much a Tweet of the Week but more of a heads up. We're sure you had all read or heard about the Time, Inc. house in Detroit. Well, the coverage has begun.

: New Blog Entry, "Detroit, No Chaser..." -

That's their Twitter account and follow the link to their blog. It appears as if this particular blogger will respond to comments. So, keep up with it.

Additionally, keep up with us here.

Keep readin', keep tweetin'.
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