Travel blog visits Detroit, leaves impressed by architecture, music and the people

Acclaimed travel blog,, visits Detroit and does a good job at discovering the city.


But the Motor City, the land of the Model T, Motown and Madonna (and other famous musicians too numerous to mention) isn't just an empty shell. Nearly a million people still live here, for starters. As startling as its collapse is the fact that the city continues to move on as if things were almost normal. For sure, this is a place of grand ruins, hopeless politicians, monstrous mansions and grinding poverty, but somehow it all just works. Sometimes just barely. Sometimes surprisingly well. There simply isn't any place like it. Not in the Rust Belt, not in the Midwest, not anywhere.

Even as times get tougher, there are so many reasons to drop in on Detroit. You can come for the music, for the art, the bars, the history, the cars. Come for the gambling, or the grand architecture. Don't be surprised, though, if you leave most impressed by the people.

Some of the most genuine folks you'll find anywhere in the country live in Detroit. Sure, the streets may appear mean, but mostly, the people are anything but. So, talk to strangers. Ask them questions about the city. Find out where they like to go drinking. Don't worry about coming off like a crazy person – around here, that can often work to your advantage.

Read the entire article here.
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