Museums cater to football fans as event grows near

Excerpts from the article:

The Tuesday before the Super Bowl, HBO cameras will pan across the shiny treasures at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, capturing perhaps a Model T or a Lincoln limousine.

It will all be for football, for Super Bowl XL, and in this case, for "HBO: Inside the NFL."

But it means millions of viewers across America will get to glimpse Michigan's largest cultural attraction.

"When you look at HBO, oh my God, the exposure, it's just tremendous," said Wendy Metros of the Henry Ford.

The Henry Ford, like several metro Detroit cultural institutions, has plunged into the Super Bowl spirit. Like area hotels and restaurants and residents eager to rent out their homes for a nice profit, museums are hoping to make money and be noticed by an influx of media and about 100,000 out-of-towners.

A study done for the Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee predicted the event would bring $302 million to southeastern Michigan. While the report did not specify the financial gains for cultural centers, some local museum officials have said their institutions will make tens of thousands of dollars from rentals and extra visitors.

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