Stimulus money could come to Detroit for curbside recycling program

With stimulus money flying around, Detroit may be able to grab some for a curbside recycling program.


Detroit could begin a pilot curbside recycling program if the $4-million proposal qualifies for federal stimulus funding.

Brad van Guilder, a community organizer with the Ann Arbor-based Ecology Center, told City Council President Pro Tem JoAnn Watson and other members of the council's Environmental Justice Task Force that center officials submitted the proposal to the state Department of Environmental Quality.

He said DEQ officials told him the proposal was sent to Washington, D.C., for review.

The center's proposal was based on a $3.8-million curbside recycling pilot program the council approved last year, van Guilder said. The program would last for a year, requiring bins for 30,000 households, new trucks, a small staff and a recycling education promotion.

Read the entire article here.
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