Model D named Best Local News Web Site -- thank you Real Detroit readers

Thank you Real Detroit Weekly and its readers for voting Model D the best local news web site in Detroit.


We don’t know about you, but each and every Monday night, we find ourselves glued to our computers and rifling through Model D’s latest weekly selection of news from Detroit and the surrounding suburbs. From job creation to artistic innovation, stunning, in-depth character profiles and regular speaker series, Model D not only gathers the weekly news that matters for easy digestion, but digs deep into stories that slip through the cracks. “Model D is always one step in front of the rest of their web competition,” says Real Detroit reader Michael S. “Their stories are extremely insightful, cutting edge and well writen.” There is no way that a person can head to the Model D web site and say they are unimpressed with the pleathora of information they will find.

See the entire list here.
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