U-D Mercy professor pens the dictionary of Punk

University of Detroit professor Nick Rombes writes a book on punk rock, sits down with the LA Times to discuss the era.


Safety pins and snarly guitar riffs came to embody not just a musical style, but a movement. Nick Rombes seeks to explain the movement, looking back over 30 years through fanzines, newspapers and vinyl.

In his creative dictionary, Rombes explains the finer points of punk, giving us both critical analysis and creative writing. The encyclopedic tome is laid out in alphabetical order, so readers can take in everything punk from the Adolescents to the Zeros in a tidy fashion.

A professor of English at the University of Detroit Mercy, Rombes took several years to research "A Cultural Dictionary of Punk 1974-1982," and found the intricacies of a historical sound.

Read the entire article here.
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