Philadelphia blog visits Detroit and says the city is poised to turn that corner

Philly blog devotes a lengthy piece to Detroit, compares the two cities, and says the city is poised for a renaissance.


In other neighborhoods, urban agriculture is very hot, and stories of artists buying homes for $1,000 in attempts to colonize run-down pockets have become de rigeur among city boosters. Newcomers continue to stream into the area, too - most notably Arab Americans - and their impact in their chosen neighborhoods is evident in the small cultural centers, galleries, restaurants and shops they doggedly open.

Through it all, the city's most potent symbol sits patiently downtown. It's a popular sculpture of the mighty right arm of boxer Joe Louis -- who grew up in Detroit and even worked for Ford's River Rouge Plant -- fully extended and ready to unleash a wallop. The "Renaissance City" is always willing to fight the good fight, the work seems to declare. Give it another decade or two, and we may all be wishing we'd bought some of those $1,000 houses.

Read the entire article here.
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