Passionate Detroiter Jim Boyle answers a few questions

Jim Boyle - you may remember him from his answer to Mitch Albom's "And yet..." piece - answer a few questions about his city.


The youngest of four sons of born-and-bred Detroiters, Boyle says his passion and commitment to the city is hard to avoid. “The people are out of their minds and pull you in.”

Not that it’s easy championing a city with problems that are routinely trumpeted in the national media.

“I have my days, but I can really see how far its come since I moved here and how great it can be if we pull it all together.”

Eight months ago, Boyle, 39, accepted a vice president of integrated marketing position at Lovio George Inc., where he helps clients like United Solar Ovonic, the world’s largest producers of flexible solar panels, and Midtown Detroit, communicate their value through marketing programs.

Lately, Boyle’s been working with the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy to open the Dequindre Cut on May 14; The Parade Co. on the Target Fireworks on June 24; launching new creative positioning for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra brochures and blog; and promoting a new cocktail hour for Michael Symon’s Roast starting May 11.

Read the entire article here.
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