Hey, Detroit! 'Outsiders' have good ideas, too

Freep's Oneita Jackson reminds Detroiters that non-Detroiters have good ideas, too.


Detroiters are skeptics.

That's one of the things I learned when I moved here, that Detroiters are skeptical, especially of outsiders.

Detroiters don't like outsiders diagnosing their problems. And they're really skeptical of you if you come here and offer a solution.

I'm not from here, but that doesn't mean I'm visually impaired; I can see what's going on in the public school system.

So can other people, like Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer and Harlem Children's Zone CEO Geoffrey Canada.

They came here recently to talk about education and about Detroit Public Schools, because they were invited -- and because they care -- and I wondered how the skeptics would receive them.

Read the entire article here.
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