Writer says new Detroit leaders bringing hope to city

Tough decisions are being made about Detroit right now but it seems as if the city is starting to pull itself together with a new crop of leadership.


And Mayor Bing should take notice. The Mayor started out on the right foot by rejecting the perk of the Manoogian Mansion, opting to rent out the building for the benefit of taxpayers. Bing then suggested that the City's grossly inefficient public lighting department be outsourced, only to back away when confronted by union intimidation. Let's hope the Mayor regains his nerve.

Bing need only to look to the Wayne County Building downtown for a powerful example of strong, responsible fiscal leadership.

Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, facing a sizable deficit, isn't foisting a tax hike on suffering citizens like nearby Macomb County. Instead, he's proposing a 20 percent budget cut - including the layoffs of 538 county employees and consolidation of two departments. Ficano is also asking the county's employees to accept cuts in wages and benefits to avert 440 more layoffs. Ficano's crusade to put Wayne County's financial house in order is good for Detroit.

Read the entire article here.
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