Freep says national recovery should begin here in Detroit

A Detroit Free Press editorial says that there is no better place in the country to begin rebuilding for President-elect Barack Obama than here in Detroit.


As President-elect Barack Obama attempts to engineer a national economic recovery, he might as well start at Ground Zero. That would be here -- Detroit and Michigan -- which are home to the nation's highest unemployment rate, an auto industry that's propped up by federal crutches and the epicenter of America's manufacturing struggles.

No better place for Obama to deliver a message of change and hope -- and no better event than the National Summit, which the Detroit Economic Club will convene June 15-17 at Ford Field. A commitment from the Obama White House for not just a presidential appearance but also the active engagement of administration officials with the many CEOs expected to attend would assure the summit the national attention it deserves, reassure the business community that the new president wants to help, and guarantee that the summit has an impact on public policy.

Read the entire article here.
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