Hamtramck International Bazaar commences May 30

Hamtramck is often associated with the word bizarre (but also totally awesome). Starting May 30, it'll be a little different version of the word.

Through the Cities of Promise and the City of Hamtramck, a monthly International Bazaar of farmers and vendors will set up shop on Caniff, from 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The event will take place in the Caniff city parking lot (one block east of Jos. Campau on the north side of Caniff). There will also be live music, baked goods for sale and the DDA district will host a Sidewalk Sale.

This event recurs every last Saturday of the month, ending in September with the Mini Worlds Fair, a multicultural offering of entertainment and fun.

Additionally, the City will provide free recycling opportunities for all residents.  Simply bring recyclables (separation of plastics, papers and metals not necessary) to the 2009 International Bazaar and the City will make sure it is recycled.

For more information contact Eve Doster Knepp here.
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