Hack into Eastern Market's OmniCorp Detroit

Hidden within a once-abandoned Eastern Market warehouse, a group of 20 techies, inventors and artists have assembled a DIY playhouse of future inventions, known around the city as OmniCorp Detroit. The Detroit News peeks inside this collaborative studio, part of a growing nationwide movement, where innovators are taking things apart, dreaming new designs and sharing their knowledge with other tinkerers around the D.


"I was developing and gathering information to bring to Detroit," said Sturges, a former architecture student at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills. He moved to Detroit in 2009, found like-minded creatives and set up shop in a 3,200-square-foot warehouse space on Division Street. The operation runs completely on monthly membership dues, and its members -- 20 and growing -- include recreational metalsmiths, professional electric engineers and computer programmers.

Hack the rest of the story here.
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