Gridskipper - gasp! - finds places to visit in the D that are not auto-centric

While its sister site, Jalopnik, waxes enthusiastic about the Auto Show, Gridskipper develops a list of non-car places to visit in the Motor City. While calling it a "Girl's Guide" is slightly patronizing, there's still a few good ideas to be found.


Eastern Market: The historic outdoor market is bustling all mornings but is especially exciting on Saturdays at its busiest.

General Motors Renaissance Center: The RenCen is kind of a cool sight seeing stop and it's definitely a place where you can waste a lot of time.

Lafayette Coney Island: If you have the inclination to discover native Detroit cuisine, you have to try their most famous food staple, the Coney dog. And what better time to consume a large

For the entire guide, click here.
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