Ginny Springstead remembered as the rock of Nemo's Bar

Corktown staple Ginny Springstead lost the fight with cancer and died Wednesday. Her bar which she ran with her children -- Detroit's hallowed Nemo's -- however, won't forget her.


In the middle of the mayhem stood Ginny, all of 5 feet tall, keeping the soup piping hot at work and the kids mannerly at home and her husband more or less in line, wherever he was.

"She was the rock," says Pat, 66, and if that didn't come naturally to her, she had plenty of time to learn it. She was the oldest of five girls from the upper-flat fringes of Indian Village, and she mostly raised her sisters -- two of them from her widowed mom's second marriage, but Lord help anyone who called them "half."

Then at 21, she married Nemo and raised five kids of her own.

The four of them still living will tell you she loved her family, her bar and Higgins Lake. She was also fond of Cadillacs, and a big sedan with a GINNY1 license plate was the closest she ever came to putting on airs. The day she brought home her first, Nemo raised an eyebrow: "Who do you think you are?"

Read the entire article here.
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