NY Times' Friedman says auto bailout could make or break Detroit, entire generation

Thomas Friedman says that the potential bailouts could not only define Detroit and change the economy but also shape an entire generation.


We not only need to bail out industries of the past but to build up industries of the future — to offer the kind of big thinking and risk-taking that transforms enormous challenges into world-changing opportunities. That is what made the Greatest Generation great. This money can’t just go to patch up our jalopies.

“Remember, this money will not be neutral,” said Andy Karsner, a former U.S. assistant secretary of energy. “We are talking about directing an unprecedented volume of cash at our housing, energy, transportation and infrastructure industries. This cash will either fortify the incumbent players and calcify the energy status quo, or it will facilitate the economic transformation we seek. The stimulus will either be white blood cells that will heal us or malignant cells that will continue to sap our strength.”

Read the entire article here.

Another interesting piece by Friedman about Detroit, the auto industry, and developing innovations before someone else does.

Read that entire article here.
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