Organizers trying to freshen up party store ware in Detroit area

Central Detroit Christian is looking to freshen up the party and liquor stores in their area of focus by requesting a small section to offer fruits and vegetables within the store.


Now they’re advancing a cooperative program with the 25 party stores that inhabit the 2.5 square mile area that is CDC’s focus.

CDC organizers have put together a proposal for liquor store owners — we’ll deliver, stock and maintain a modest cart of fruits and vegetables if you give us the 3 x 3 foot space in which to do it. CDC has even prepared an inventory sheet with purchase prices and suggested mark-ups. So far the response has been minimal.

Mark VanAndel, CDC youth and workforce director, does the legwork — he’s visited every liquor store owner in the area, compiled a list and checked it twice. Only three out of 25 storeowners even entertained the idea, and two of those have since declined.

Read the entire article here.
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