From Metromode: Film industry is becoming a new business genre for Michigan

Michigan is changing and the film industry might be it's new business genre.


While there is no illusion that Michigan's generous incentive to lure film productions here will solve our financial woes, it is a small effort intended to inject some energy and creativity in a sector that has never been able to flourish in the Mitten State. Proponents say that anything that creates so much buzz, entices young creatives to stick around and opens Michigan to the rest of the country is a welcome step in the right direction. They say that all discussions should look beyond the immediate dollar in, dollar out impact of the program and instead focus on the potential long range gains from the incentive. After all, when was the last time you heard someone from California complain that Michigan was stealing their jobs. 

The incentive also represents a tiny part of the state's enormous annual budget (estimated to reach $40 billion). Still, there is little doubt that it is emblematic of a new way of thinking about the transformation of our industrial and creative centers.

Keep this simple fact in mind: The only products the United States exports more of than it imports is software and media. Michigan's film incentive has allowed us to put a foot, well, more like a toe, in that door.

And through that toe-sized crack Genre Film Partners has squeezed through to set up shop in Metro Detroit.

Read the entire article here.
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