Twin Cities blog interviews Detroit techno star Eric Cloutier

Detroit techno artist Eric Cloutier sits down with CityPages, a Twin Cities culture blog, to talk about Detroit's techno scene. Check out the podcast for a feel of Cloutier's spinning.


What were some of your first experiences in electronic music? How did being from Detroit effect your development?

Detroit was fortunate enough to just gracefully assimilate the music in to every day life. I caught myself watching "The New Dance Show" [legendary '80s public access program] and casually stumbling into Plastikman and shows from Motor on the radio. The first party I went to was "Jak-o-lantern," one of Hawtin's parties, which I was taken to by a friend for my birthday (which is Devils Night). From there on, I knew this was something I needed to be involved in. Growing up in Detroit was a blessing--surrounded by the history and the tastemakers at the same time yields amazing experience, music, and results.

Read the entire article here.
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