Emerging 200 program trains entrepreneurs; Detroit is one of the cities

The government program, Emerging 200, trains entrepreneurs in an urban environment and Detroit is participating.


"We know that small business can play a role in economic recovery," said Jack Bienko, the SBA's deputy director for entrepreneurship education.

Each participating E200 business must be headquartered in an inner city, generate $400,000 or more in annual revenue, and be at least three years old. The group's business owners attend classes every other week, which are hosted by officials from local SBA branches or by partner organizations such as chambers of commerce. On the off weeks, the attendees gather for peer-group sessions, at which smaller groups of four or five participants collaborate on class homework and discuss the ups and downs that their businesses face.

At the end of the six-month program, E200 participants walk away with a written, three-year growth plan - a helpful document to have handy for entrepreneurs looking for business loans or investors.

Read the entire article here.
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