Detroit Young Professionals holding town halls for young voters

Detroit Young Professionals are putting together three town hall meetings with the three mayoral candidates for the upcoming election. Freeman Hendrix, Mayor Ken Cockrel, Jr., and Dave Bing will join you for an evening to answer your questions.

But don't worry; you don't have to call yourself a "young professional" to attend. Just RSVP, which you can do here. Space is limited, however.


The attention and excitement around Detroit's upcoming mayoral election is unprecedented. The stakes could not be higher -- our economy has slid into recession, our domestic auto industry is on the verge of collapse, and our city is reeling from budget turmoil and political scandal.

Young voters in The D are highly engaged and preparing to chose a direction for the City's future -- and as the next generation of Detroiters that will fuel our state's New Economy and drive our regional renaissance, we seek to connect with new leadership that respects our vote and understands our concerns.

Get more information here.
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