Diverse (soup) city to fund community projects in Hamtramck

Building on the success of microfinancing projects like Detroit Soup and Soup at Spalding, we hear there's another community soup dinner setting the table for guests in Hamtramck.

Hosted by Marie Pronko, owner of Hamtramck's Mex/Asian fusion restaurant Maria's Comida, Diverse (soup) city will also bring soup-lovers and do-gooders together for a collective meal to raise funds for creative projects in Hamtown.


Tell your friends; SOUP is…a collaborative situation, a public dinner, a theatrical environment, a platform for performance, a local experiment in micro-funding, a relational hub connecting various creative communities, a forum for critical discussion, an opportunity to support creative people in Hamtramck.

The first Diverse (soup) city takes place Sunday, Feb. 20 at Maria's Comida, and will meet the third Sunday of the month thereafter. The cost is $7 for a big bowl of goodness -- and not just the kind you can spoon.

Send your micro-finance ideas here by the Friday before every dinner, and check out the website for more details.
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