Freep readers chime in about Detroit's vacant, blighted land

A recent article in the Detroit Free Press asked what to do with the vacant and abandoned areas of Detroit. It touched a nerve and readers chimed in with their two cents.


A recent article focused on a very real Detroit issue: abandoned industrial prairie ("Detroit: Land of opportunity; acres of barren blocks offer chance to reinvent city," Dec. 15). Do we continue to surround the core of the city with growing post-apocalyptic wasteland, or do we come up with a plan to actually do something? The time is now to seize the opportunity and demonstrate forward leadership to come up with a simple but realistic plan that Detroit can sign up to.

My plan is simple. Detroit develops an urban planning/forestry committee that re-maps the city into viable neighborhood zones and new reforested zones. This committee then redraws the city into new, connecting, viable neighborhood-zoned areas that function more economically and cohesively for the city's population.

Read the entire article here.
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