Travel blog asks thumbs up or thumbs down to Detroit travel

The travel blog at World Hum, a travel website, asks a question about visiting or not visiting Detroit. Some points are made, not always glowing. And don't forget to read the comments, which are fairly glowing.


A number of years ago, I worked with a woman who was originally from Detroit. She loved her hometown and missed it terribly. I can’t remember her name, but I vividly remember the glow on her face when she talked about the city she’d left behind and to which she vowed to return someday.

I know, right? Hard to believe.

Yet Detroit has a draw, even if it’s a sort of pity vote. Friend and fellow writer Margaret Littman, also has a passion for the city. She says, “I love Detroit’s architecture and public art and wide boulevards. But more than that, I love that Detroit is such a microcosm of America: boomed thanks to ingenuity and innovative and now struggling with what to do next. Plus, I’m a sucker for an underdog.”

Read the entire article here.
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