Detroit transit may be en route

For the first time in Detroit's history mass transit may be more than just a dream.


Twenty-four times in the past half-century serious proposals for mass transit in Detroit have been brought to regional leaders. Only once have regional leaders agreed to such a proposal -- this time. "That was a complex, long-term plan that (the Big Four) agreed to," Hertel said. "It was the first time this region has ever put its unanimous support behind a transit proposal."

"In the past, this was 'auto city,'" Crouchman said. "People loved their cars. But with some of the developments we've seen over the past few years, with layoffs and gas prices all over the place -- that won't last forever."

Regional transit is literally in uncharted waters. For supporters and skeptics alike the question remains: Is mass transit for real this time, or will it unravel as so many other ventures calling for regional cooperation have in the past?

Read the entire article here.

A Detroit Free Press article found here talks about how light rail link might be just the beginning of mass transit in Detroit.
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