Detroit indie rock band plays Gitmo... yeah, that Gitmo

A Detroit-based indie rock band was asked to play an interesting show... the library at Guantanamo Bay. Vanity Fair picked up the story.


The High Strung, an indie rock band from Detroit, received an invitation to play a show at the Guantanamo Bay library this summer. This wasn’t that weird. They’ve been playing shows in libraries for years, as part of a national program aimed at luring teenagers into these book-filled repositories. (This American Life did a piece about their first library tour.) What was weird was that they said yes. Made up of a trio of lefty pacifists with a profound distrust of the American Military, not to mention a penchant for florid and literary lyrics, they were a rather unlikely choice for entertaining our nation’s soldiers. “If we’re playing for a whole base full of troops who are used to listening to Kid Rock and Pantera, it’s going to be incredibly uncomfortable,” drummer Derek Berk (who happens to be my extremely talented younger brother) said prior to their departure. “But it seems like our whole career recently has been based on setting ourselves up for strange and uncomfortable situations. And this seemed like it was going to be at or near the top of the list.”

Read the entire article here.
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