Web site helps Detroit visitors find couches to surf, give them an 'in' to the city

The web site couchsurfing.com can help connect Detroit to the rest of the world and give visitors an "in" to the city.


The 24-year-old resident of the Corktown neighborhood shares her passion for the Motor City with visitors from around the globe whom she meets through couchsurfing.com.

Doerr, who works as grants and contracts manager for the Wayne-Metropolitan Community Action Agency, loves to play tour guide for the guests she meets through the social network.

"A city like Detroit has so much to offer, but it's not user-friendly. ... You've got to have an in. Couch surfing is that in," she said.

Couch surfing connects people who need a place to stay with those who can offer lodging at a great price -- free. But the mission of the site and its more than 1.1 million users is to create connections, build friendships and generally make the world a better place -- one couch at a time.

Doerr, along with dozens of others, will do just that this weekend as part of the Detroit Couch Crash 2009, a series of events organized by the local couch-surfing community to showcase Detroit.

Read the entire article here.
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