Cobo deal is a victory for city, cooperation

The new Cobo deal is a win for regional cooperation.


The legislation on Cobo's renovation, approved by lawmakers in Lansing and signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm this month, allows for up to $300 million from hotel and liquor taxes in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties, and state tobacco tax revenue. In return, operation of the center is to be turned over to a regional authority.

Clearing the final hurdle to renovate Cobo Center, at long last, is a huge step, both symbolically and economically, for metro Detroit.

Although some view the final deal as an imperfect proposal, it secures Cobo Center and Detroit as the future site of the North American International Auto Show and should boost the Detroit convention center’s ability to compete for other events.

"The regional cooperation that took place to get this done is unparalleled," said Doug Fox, cochairman of the 2010 North American International Auto Show, which is, by far, the largest annual event at Cobo.

Read the entire article here.
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