Free Press lists 10 arguments for charter change, picks best choices for Charter Commission

The Detroit Free Press gives you ten compelling arguments to changing the city's charter and, in another piece, lists their selected choices for the Charter Commission.

The first three arguments:

1. Voters need more protection from elected officials who violate the charter with impunity. Kilpatrick melodrama proved even a united City Council lacks the necessary authority to oust a rogue mayor.

2. The current method of selecting a council president is a recipe for disorder. Council members would be more collegial if they could select their own leader, as the U.S. Congress and Michigan Legislature do.

3. Council members would be more accountable if they were elected by single-member districts. Prevailing at-large elections give disproportionate advantage to untested candidates with high name recognition (hence, Monica Conyers and Martha Reeves) and special interests with wherewithal to finance expensive citywide campaigns.

Read the entire ten here.

The Freep's choices for the Charter Commission here.

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