Detroit may be down but not out, Canadian site says

Canadian news site The Globe and Mail contends that though Detroit is down, it is not out.


Must Detroit fail? Has it declined too far to ever return to prosperity? The answer, perhaps, can be found across campus, at a new engineering research centre, filled with robotics labs and clean rooms, where researchers are conducting experiments in alternative energy, nano-science and biotechnology.

This despite savage cuts to university budgets from a straightened state government.

“We have a brilliant faculty who are out there in the market … raising money for the College of Engineering,” said Ralph Kummler, Dean of Wayne State's College of Engineering.

It can be found at Tech One, housed in a formerly vacant building where the Chevrolet Corvette was designed, but which today incubates 98 entrepreneurial startups, including Asterand, which harvests waste tissues from hospitals and then makes them available for medical and pharmaceutical research.

It can be found at NextEnergy, a non-profit industry accelerator that works with businesses to develop commercially viable alternative-energy products.

Read the entire article here.
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