More on the Burton Theatre -- new art movie house in Cass Corridor

More on the big deal in the Cass Corridor -- the Burton Theatre, which Model D reported on last week.

Here the Metro Times talks about the independent art house theater pieced together and housed in the old Burton International School building in Detroit's Old Chinatown.


The actual silver screen they found "belonged to some weird dude in Lansing," Allen says. And the seats? They're from the old State Theatre, which was upgraded when it became the Fillmore. "With the equipment we don't have and the stuff we gutted that we didn't need," Faustyn says, "we've come to realize there are collectors of practically everything out there; eBay — that's where it's at."

Don't let the reuse, renew, recycle approach give you the wrong impression.
"We're really aiming to be a top-class place," Allen says, more seriously than anything else during our conversation. "We didn't want to be another grungy, Detroit thing — you know, a small, semi-secret, smoky after-hours kind of spot," Faustyn adds. "Don't get us wrong, we're still going to show some weird shit, but we're also going to try to cater to the diverse communities you find in Detroit. We'll be showing Indian films, we'll cater to the LGBT community, the African-American, Latino and Arabic communities."

So the Burton will be similar to the Detroit Film Theatre?   

"Though they serve a niche," Allen says, "the DFT doesn't really cater to a whole lot of film appreciators. And let's be honest, the theater inside the Renaissance Center is garbage; they show three shitty movies and everyone's yelling at the screen, talking on their cell phones during them anyway."

Read the entire article here.
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