Detroit broomball is back; sign up ends December 22

Broomball is back but you only have a little more time to sign up. Registration ends Dec. 22. So, if you want to play a game that's like hockey but without skates on Campus Martius' ice, better go to the broomball Web site and sign up.


Broomball is a winter sport played in ice arenas and community parks throughout the country.  It is similar to hockey in its formation and rules, but has some soccer strategies as well. Six players play on each team at once.  Like hockey, there are two defensemen, three forwards, and a goalie. A player uses a broom shaped stick to maneuver a six-inch diameter ball up and down the ice. Whichever team scores the most goals wins! Unlike hockey, players wear soft-soled shoes instead of skates.

For details on registration visit broomball online here.

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