Bizdom U gathering entrepreneurs for Detroit - a web site for, well, you know - features Bizdom U as a source for entrepreneurship in the city.


When deciding where to start a business in this economy, Detroit may not be the first city that comes to mind. With the highest unemployment rate in the nation (12.6 percent in March) and the Big Three automakers struggling, Michigan's economy is in a serious state of disarray.

Bizdom U is out to change all of that. A no-cost, two-year program that assists entrepreneurs in launching businesses, Bizdom U takes driven people with business ideas and provides the guidance, training and support necessary to put these ideas to work and create successful growth-oriented businesses in the city of Detroit, according to the program's website.

The Bizdom U team is determined to usher in a new, prosperous era of entrepreneurship in the Motor City by empowering tomorrow's top entrepreneurs to start-up and lead successful businesses. As a Michigander myself, I think this is exactly what Detroit needs right now.
Read the entire article here.
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