From the Freep: Bing's blueprint for Detroit

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing lays out a blueprint for the city in four points: Cooperation, Opportunity, Responsibility, and Education.


"There are a lot of people who feel that Oakland County led by (County Executive L. Brooks Patterson) is our enemy. They are one of our greatest assets. Oakland County is still, I think, the second wealthiest county in the country. They've got some smart people; they've got some good people. A lot of those people were either born in Detroit or grew up in Detroit or were educated in Detroit and moved out for a lot of different reasons. They are not our enemy.

"The city of Detroit often sees itself in a vacuum against other municipalities in the area. I believe that in order for us to come back -- survive and thrive -- we're going to have to open up our mind-set and not think that we're the elephant in the room all the time."

Read the entire article here.
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