Freep says Bing shouldn't waste time to start 'right-sizing' the city

Despite Detroit's economic shortfalls, this Freep editorial says Detroit Mayor Dave Bing needs to think about right-sizing the city now rather than later.


Bing must set in motion some long-term fixes, or Detroit will lurch from crisis to crisis. At the very least, he should order the city’s planning department to begin studying neighborhood population and economic development trends over the next 25 years. That information will be needed before the city revises the master plan.

The city’s fiscal emergency gives the mayor and city a teachable moment — a telling example of why this process is necessary. Urban experts like John Mogk of Wayne State University have pressed the issue of consolidating population for more than a decade, and most city leaders now understand that it is necessary.

Youngstown, Ohio, a smaller city with similar problems, has given Detroit, and the entire nation, a blueprint for how a city can creatively downsize by consolidating neighborhoods and creating parks and greenways.Right-sizing Detroit will take years. The city must start the process now if it wants to sustain a quality-of-life that will stabilize its population and tax base and avoid continual fiscal emergencies.

Read the entire article here.
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