Aug. 4 primary pointed to further change

The Detroit Free Press believes that Detroit city council is turning the corner of change as the Aug. 4 primary revealed top vote-getters in Charles Pugh -- who, if he is elected in November, will become the city's first openly-gay councilmember -- Gary Brown, Saunteel Jenkins, current Council President Ken Cockrel Jr. and Councilwoman Brenda Jones.

The editorial also says voters cast aside two of council's worst in Monica Conyers and Martha Reeves


Together, those five could make up the most exciting council majority in decades. And they would be key to the success of Mayor Dave Bing, who trounced his primary opposition Tuesday and appears headed for easy re-election this fall.

Voters also appeared to cast aside two of the old council's worst actors, President Pro Tem Monica Conyers, who awaits sentencing for a federal plea to conspiracy to commit bribery, and Martha Reeves, whose bizarre antics and ramblings are an embarrassment to the whole city.

This morning in Detroit is a new, and hopeful one, indeed.

Read the entire article here.
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